Who will replace Daniel Craig as 007? Top 10 Bond Contenders

3) Michael Fassbender

Steve Jobs. Macbeth. Magneto. James Bond? Michael Fassbender is pretty much the go to guy now for roles that require intensity. With X-Men: Apocalypse hitting cinemas now and Assassin’s Creed following suit before the year is out, the former 300 man’s stock continues to rise and you can expect the German-Irish actor to be in the running right up until the big announcement is made.

A favourite name among fan speculation, Fassbender would bring steel to the role that would flow on nicely from the Daniel Craig era. Whether the franchise decides to take the series back down a slapstick route remains to be seen (this would certainly not fit) but if they continue in the same darker vein as recent profitable instalments, there is arguably no better choice.

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