Top 125 Action Movie Soundtracks – Part One


It’s Soundtrack week here at Jelly Head HQ, and to celebrate we are counting down our favourite 125 Action Movie Soundtracks/Scores. We will be counting down 25 each day until the end of the week when our all time number 1 will be revealed !

Will you agree with our choices ? Will we put them in the right order ? Check back each day this week and see where your favourite ranks !

Criteria:  Soundtrack + Score has been judged in unison. Series and reboots are combined as one entry and judged as a whole. Musicals, Dramas, Westerns, World War Epics, Biblical Epics, Animations, Pure Romance, Horror Slashers or Comedy (unless non slapstick Action present) have been omitted.

We know there is a lot of love for the likes of Lawrence of Arabia, Disney Films, The Wizard of Oz, Ghost, Romeo + Juliet, Schindler’s list, Pink Panther, Chariots of Fire, Close Encounters, Platoon, The Man with No Name Series, Big Country, Once Upon A Time in the West, Apocalypse Now and The Great Escape (to name just a few!). But we had to draw the line somewhere. Let us know what genre you would like to see next time in the comments – it may just be what we pick next !

Click on Page 2 below to begin our Action Movie Soundtrack Countdown!