Planet Hulk to feature in Thor: Ragnarok


All things pointed to it when he went AWOL at the conclusion of Age of Ultron  but we now have confirmation that the popular Planet Hulk story arc from Marvel Comics is going to be adapted as part of Thor: Ragnarok.

We have known for some time that Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) would be teaming up with the God of Thunder (Chris Hemsworth) but JoBlo  have the inside scoop on the plot details –  which includes the gladiatorial games many thought would be saved for a future solo outing.

How this story will be intertwined with the Ragnarok adaptation remains to be seen but as we know from the other Marvel films  the studio will not be afraid to make changes to the source material.

Expect plenty more info to come our way before Thor and Hulk smash their way back to cinemas next year.