Reasons for Rogue One Re-shoots Revealed


Panic – a sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety. The common widespread emotion that accompanies the dreaded term “re-shoots”.  Whilst not uncommon, there are many examples in recent times where studios have been unhappy with rough cut and ordered significant changes. Whether these are simply designed to inject an altered tone (Suicide Squad) or to try and salvage a project that is spiraling out of control (F4ntastic), the need for expensive amendments rarely shows faith in the vision of those responsible.

It is fair to say the recent news of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story requiring heavy edits has been met with downright pandemonium. With a dissatisfying prequel trilogy still fresh in the minds of many, it is understandable that the spin-off prequel saga is approached with trepidation and the slightest hint of negativity will be magnified.

It will be a relief to many then that various outlets are reporting this morning that the reason for the Re-shoots is in fact to add in an important cameo for the wider franchise and not due to a poor test screening as some presumed. With Darth Vader already practically confirmed – the obvious suspect and focus would be including a young Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich) who was cast after production was already well under way. This is only speculation and the cameo could relate to anybody – but it is the most logical conclusion at this stage.

Whether this is just a smoke screen to divert fears of Gareth Edwards‘ movie worrying Disney, we do not know (it is also being suggested more fun elements are being added to a currently dark cut); but if you take this update at face value and liked the trailer we were treated to previously, the force remains strong in anticipation of this one.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits Cinemas this Christmas.